bulletin Octiber 6th

Please click on the lined item for more information

  • Sign up for Lee Grady Discipleship event at the table in the foyer.

    Cost is $10 per person.

    Includes light breakfast & lunch on Saturday & we will have a potluck Friday evening.

    Friday October 25th 5:30-8:30pm & Saturday October 26th 8:30am-2pm

  • We are raising funds to replace our roof.

    If you would like to donate, please put it in an envelope & market it roof or give online & select the roof option.

    If you give online and can check the box to cover processing, that lets 100% of your gift be used for the roof fund.

  • We will not be having Free Food

    on Monday October 14th &

    Monday November 11th

    due to National Holidays

    Our next Free Food Market will be Monday December 9th

    Please watch our Facebook for updated information if anything changes

  • The Church Council would like to remind you that October is Pastor Appreciation Month.

    Please show your appreciation in your own way. Some ideas might be to bring homemade treats, their favorite beverage or take them to lunch. 

    Special notes, gift cards and prayers are always appreciated too.

  • Eastside kids is asking for candy donations for the Candy Crawl. Please drop off individually wrapped candy in the basket by the front doors at Eastside Church by Sunday October 20th